$9.85 & FREE SHIPPING $13.76
A powerful blend of oils and additives that contain no SOLVENTS. Designed to increase power and fuel mileage and also lower exhaust emissions through a more complete combustion.Lucas Fuel Treatment is formulated for both gasoline and diesel engines, carbureted or fuel injected. It gives your fuel system what it really needs - a blend of super slick oils and additives with a high detergent action that allows the engine to operate at maximum efficiency. Lucas Fuel Treatment should definitely be used in vehicles that require leaded fuel because it actually replaces the benefits of lead in gasoline without causing harmful emissions. Use it to pass smog tests. Finally, it totally neutralizes the harmful effects of low sulfur diesel fuel.
$17.93 $28.40
Highlights: Guaranteed to stop seal leaks Stops rack and pinion problems Very cost effective Totally effective in reducing slack, squeals, and hard spots in worn rack and pinions. Contains No...
Highlights: This two-in-one formula boosts octane and cleans the fuel intake system that promotes clean fuel burn for fewer emissions. STP octane booster restores lost power and acceleration and it...
Highlights: IMMEDIATELY REMOVE WATER SPOTS: STP water remover neutralizes alkaline stains with a mild acid, removing the stuck-on water stain or hard water spots quickly and effortlessly. CAN BE USE...